The Morgan Family

Friday, September 28, 2012

my view is limited

I have to admit something.  I've heard all the news about adopting without debt.  Shoot, I read the book almost a year ago after we started this journey and we initially faced some adversity when we started support raising.  I just figured that at some point we would have tapped out all our resources and would have to figure out how to come up with a lot of money and truly did not know how that was all going to work.  Now don't get me wrong, we're not there yet.  But what I'm realizing is my view of this process and my God is very limited.

It's not like I haven't trusted him for things before.  It's not like I haven't had to raise support for things or wonder how something was going to work out.  And it always has as long as I was trusting in Him.  So why did I think this was going to be any different?  I'm not sure.  I think I thought that because we made the choice, and this was our baby, the bulk of the money was going to somehow come from our pockets.

Don't get me wrong, we budget a significant amount of money every month to go into our adoption fund and we scrimp and save wherever we can because we DO believe it is our responsibility to do so.  But the outpouring we've had from people over the last twelve months (and counting) has been supernatural. I had in my mind we would write letters, do some fundraisers, and then work extra jobs, go on extra travel, sell every last piece of furniture (although that's difficult with the whole homestudy piece of it) and then, just barely, we'd squeak by.

Like I said, we are not there yet.  And we are still working hard, saving like crazy, doing everything we can....but there's no way people would come out of the woodwork for this for us, we must give credit to  Him.  I mean don't get me wrong, we're great and all (sarcasm people) but people don't write you checks and offer to do things for you and go out of their way to help you like this just because they like you.

We believe so strongly in adoption and specifically that our little boy, James, has always been our son, he just happens to have been born halfway around the world by someone else.  And we are SO BEYOND BLESSED that so many amazing people have chosen to partner with us to help us bring him home.  We can't wait to introduce him to all of you (shoot, who am I kidding, we just can't wait to meet him ourselves!!).

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