The Morgan Family

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

T-shirts are in and going fast!!

Do you ever have those days where you just KNOW you have something you should be doing but can't for the life of you figure out what it is?  Maybe this is God's way of telling me to sit down and blog.

Three day weekends always throw me off.  Obviously I love them because it's one more day with my family and makes for a short work week.  On the other hand, it makes me wish every weekend were as such.  The reality is, if every weekend consisted of three days then we would all wish for four day weekends.

This weekend began with some much needed family time and concluded with an impromptu pool party with our small group and some other friends and neighbors.  It was perfect!  Because the fact that I didn't plan it meant that I didn't have the pressure of entertaining and it really allowed me to fully enjoy it.  Jack loves to be in the pool and is a crazy man in the water.  I wonder if James will have ever had any experience similar to being in a pool (or lake or river)?  Doubtful I'm sure.  I hope he's not afraid of the water cause we are a pool loving family!!

These types of thoughts run through my head so much...what if this or has he done that or has anyone taken him ___(fill in the blank).  I know the reality is he's lucky if he gets snuggled once a day.  I think sometimes I over snuggle Jack to make up for the year or so of snuggles James will miss (is it possible to over-snuggle?).  Anyway, as you already know if you read my blog, my boys are my world whether they are currently present with me or not. 

On another note, our t-shirts are in and selling like hot cakes!!  Get them while you can!  We have sizes YS-YL and Adult S-XXL in both Grey and Green.  They are $15 (plus shipping) and can be purchased by shooting me an email at  All proceeds go toward our adoption fund.  Thanks for supporting us!!!

*This design has been created for/by us and should not be used without the express written consent of either Justin or Amanda Morgan.

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