The Morgan Family

Friday, May 4, 2012

i have so many excuses but...

As I lay awake last night after Jack awoke and didn't want to go back to sleep, it hit me that it had been so long since I had blogged.  So first off, I apologize.  Don't think that it's not because I haven't been thinking adoption and focusing on my consumes me!  Work has been crazy and fundraising has taken precedence on the adoption front.  Given that, I have had to turn turn to logical brain into the main focus and that is not typically where I write from.

Ok, enough excuses.  Let me see if I can update where we are and keep this to a reasonable length!!

Let me start with work, both mine and Justin's.  As far as my work is concerned, I've been working on a special project and have enjoyed every minute of it.  However, it has caused me to be out of town one to two nights a week every week for about a month.  I know this is trying on the family but we also know this is just a phase and will not be a forever thing.  As far as Justin, I'm so proud of him!  There have only been two English long-term substitute jobs this semester in the city of Virginia Beach and he's gotten both of them! That has been amazing with regards to us being able to put away money for the adoption.

And then there's Jack...oh, our little boy Jack.  Our ONE YEAR OLD, Jack!  I can't even believe it.  Last Saturday my baby turned 1!  We had a great party - sock monkey themed - and many of our close friends were there.  Jack ended up liking the bell peppers better than any cake or sweet we gave him (I'm not complaining) so there wasn't much cake smashing going on.  But it was fun and we greatly enjoyed our time with loved ones.

So finally, the thing we get asked about more than's our adoption going?  Well, if the question is that we're progressing, then sure!  It's great!  We have done everything we can possibly do on our end of things other than wrapping up a few pieces of online training that has to be finished before we send our dossier.  But our dossier can't be sent until we get a referral and that is what seems like it's going nowhere.  I think it's the fact that our phone call could realistically come at any time.  But the reality is, it will most likely be about twelve months from when we got our I-600A approved...which was early April.  So on the one hand, we only have 11 months to go...and on the other hand, we still have 11 months to go :(  I know God's timing is perfect and the reality is this works out quite well with the school system calendar so I'm not upset about it.  It's just that I want my baby home!!  Throughout the day during Jack's birthday I kept wondering if we would know James before his first birthday.  Would we get to celebrate with him or at least get to know what his beautiful face looks like before then?  The only thing I can do at this point is pray for those who care for our James and pray they make him feel so special on that day.

Since I'm talking adoption, I need to say this.  We are so overwhelmed and blessed by the generous gifts from our friends and family in our adoption fund.  We are so excited about our tshirts and the possibility of further funds from that effort.  We know that God is faithful and will take care of every last detail including this one!  We are so thankful at what has been provided thus far and what we know is still to come!

And I promise not to wait this long next time...

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