It seems like these days I only post when I am upset or frustrated about something or we get a waiting list update. I think that's mainly because whatever sparks my passion to write is what I write about and maybe I've been too negatively driven lately. Sorry about that!
I am feeling so blessed having had all day Saturday with my little man. My husband had the joy of going to see his favorite college basketball team play on Saturday and because it is 3 hours away, I got to sit and play and snuggle with my little boy all day. Not that I don't usually get to, but this was special mom and Jack time.
Today I was blessed to have a job and get to go to work. I think I take this for granted so much. I may not love every minute of every day of my job but as a whole, I do challenging and fulfilling work that I know matters to our nation. This was Jack's first day not going to childcare and my dad did not disappoint! Dad and Jack went to the beach on a naval base near the airport. They sat on the water watching the boats and ships and planes come and go. They had lunch and then Jack got a long and restful nap. Again, feeling so blessed.
A friend of mine posted a picture today about postpartum marks. It said "for every woman unhappy with her postpartum marks is another who wishes she had them." Oh how true this is. Along this journey of adoption I have found families who have chosen adoption because they were unable to have biological children and other families who already have bio kids. While I long for my baby James to be with us, I have the blessing of having had the experience of giving birth to a biological child. I can't imagine what that longing is like for the thousands of women and families who have that desire and for whatever reason do not have that option. So often I am disgusted by my postpartum marks and wish they were gone. But I fail to remind myself that without those marks, I have no 10 lb 1oz 23 inch long red headed baby boy who is now a vibrant, hilarious toddler. I think the same thing of friends I have with special needs children. While they were all devastated when hearing a diagnosis, not one of them that I know would trade their children for the world!
It's so difficult to see our blessings when we're so close to the situation. And I think that sometimes that's why my posts can be negative...I get so focused on what is happening at that moment that I fail to see the fact that I have the most amazing husband, a beautiful little boy, the hopes of another little boy joining our family soon, wonderfully supportive and helpful extended family, very good jobs, a home, all the food we could ever eat, need I go on? And while none of us is promised tomorrow, I need to enjoy these blessings right now, right here, today. Thankful for the day.
I am feeling so blessed having had all day Saturday with my little man. My husband had the joy of going to see his favorite college basketball team play on Saturday and because it is 3 hours away, I got to sit and play and snuggle with my little boy all day. Not that I don't usually get to, but this was special mom and Jack time.
Today I was blessed to have a job and get to go to work. I think I take this for granted so much. I may not love every minute of every day of my job but as a whole, I do challenging and fulfilling work that I know matters to our nation. This was Jack's first day not going to childcare and my dad did not disappoint! Dad and Jack went to the beach on a naval base near the airport. They sat on the water watching the boats and ships and planes come and go. They had lunch and then Jack got a long and restful nap. Again, feeling so blessed.
A friend of mine posted a picture today about postpartum marks. It said "for every woman unhappy with her postpartum marks is another who wishes she had them." Oh how true this is. Along this journey of adoption I have found families who have chosen adoption because they were unable to have biological children and other families who already have bio kids. While I long for my baby James to be with us, I have the blessing of having had the experience of giving birth to a biological child. I can't imagine what that longing is like for the thousands of women and families who have that desire and for whatever reason do not have that option. So often I am disgusted by my postpartum marks and wish they were gone. But I fail to remind myself that without those marks, I have no 10 lb 1oz 23 inch long red headed baby boy who is now a vibrant, hilarious toddler. I think the same thing of friends I have with special needs children. While they were all devastated when hearing a diagnosis, not one of them that I know would trade their children for the world!
It's so difficult to see our blessings when we're so close to the situation. And I think that sometimes that's why my posts can be negative...I get so focused on what is happening at that moment that I fail to see the fact that I have the most amazing husband, a beautiful little boy, the hopes of another little boy joining our family soon, wonderfully supportive and helpful extended family, very good jobs, a home, all the food we could ever eat, need I go on? And while none of us is promised tomorrow, I need to enjoy these blessings right now, right here, today. Thankful for the day.
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